Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Department
Stanford Psychiatry's Center for Youth Mental Health & Wellbeing
San Mateo County Behavioral Health
Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Department and Stanford Psychiatry's Center for Youth Mental Health & Wellbeing lead the community-academic partnership that has the potential to develop a nationally replicable model for supporting adolescent and young adult mental health with an early intervention infrastructure that does not currently exist.
Headspace approaches youth wellness in a comprehensive and youth-friendly way, reaching them in clinical sites, online, and in schools.
Improve adolescents’ health and well-being in Santa Clara and San Mateo County by providing stand-alone, integrated care sites, Headspace, for young people ages 12-25 to access early mental health support.
Headspace primary care services are the key to early detection and intervention for mental illness and suicide.
4 OUT OF 5
Over 75% of mental disorders begin before the age of 25.
1 OUT OF 5
Over 20% of youth currently have or at some point during their life will have a serious mental disorder.
1 OUT OF 10
Only 12% of children in need of mental health services actually receive them.
Due to serious issues with delayed treatment, lack of coordination and other factors, these young people are vulnerable to prolonged mental health issues and their consequences; including:
Educational failure
Social disengagement and deprivation
Development of further mental health problems including substance misuse
The headspace model implements evidence-based treatment. It focuses on collaboration with community agencies and service providers to promote comprehensive continuity of care, integrating mental health, physical health, and social services.
To do this, Santa Clara County will prioritize new venues for public‐private partnerships and make agreements for data collection and management. Santa Clara County’s Behavioral Health Services Department (BHSD) seeks to build a sustainable headspace model.
The heartbeat of integrated care is communication with and between patients and practitioners - all of them - not just the ones available through a single network. To be successful, the headspace model must securely share information among a diverse group of organizations and people; including, public and private healthcare and mental health providers, schools, online health-related services, payers, as well as parents and the adolescents themselves. All must comply with distinct, divergent federal and state privacy and security regulations. In particular, the requirements for disclosing an adolescent’s personally identifiable information often vary depending on the entity that generated the information, the type of information to be disclosed, the intended recipient of the information and the purpose for the disclosure.
Emma, who is 15, seeks mental health treatment for depression at an outpatient mental health clinic. The clinic would like to coordinate her care with her primary care physician. The mental health care provider believes that it would be good for Emma to have a lighter schedule at school and would like to consult with her counselor.
Under California and federal law, the mental health care provider may disclose Emma’s protected health information to her primary care physician for treatment without Emma’s written permission. However, the mental health care provider needs her written authorization to discuss her situation with her school counselor.
In general, under FERPA, Emma’s parents would need to consent to the school counselor sharing with the mental health care provider any information that came from Emma’s education records, such as the fact that her grades have fallen dramatically in recent months.